Date(s) - 7th Jun 2016
St Matthew's Church
Contemporary accounts in books, diaries and letters are among the most illuminating sources for the history of any community, and Cheltenham – a popular resort throughout the late 18th and 19th centuries – is no exception. This talk will look at a selection of the many visitors’ descriptions of the town from the 1700s to the early 20th century (some flattering, others far less so), against a backdrop of some of the finest paintings, drawings, prints and photographs of the town in The Wilson’s local history collection.
Dr. Steven Blake was Keeper of Collections at the Art Gallery & Museum, now The Wilson, for 30 years before he took early retirement in 2006. Since then he has remained actively involved with the collections and is well known to the Friends for his knowledge of the history of Cheltenham. We are delighted to welcome him back to speak at our Luncheon Club.
Venue: St. Matthew’s Church, Clarence Street, Cheltenham – opposite The Wilson
Time: Buffet lunch from 12 noon. Speaker 1.15 – 2.15 pm. Cost: £15; talk only £8
Booking forms have been sent out by post or email and should be returned with a cheque payable to FCAGM and a sae or email address to Jan Turner, Wold’s Edge, Station Road, Woodmancote, Cheltenham, GL52 9HN.
If you have any queries, ring Jan on 01242 674140.
Please note that this event is for Friends only. To join us, click here for an application form.