Date(s) - 28th Oct 2019
The Wilson
The Arts & Crafts Movement designer and architect Ernest Gimson grew up in Leicester and completed his training in London. Moving to the Cotswolds in 1893 was a radical and life-changing experience which had an impact on every aspect of his work. This illustrated talk will look at how Cotswold craft traditions helped to shape his designs – architecture, plasterwork, furniture and metalwork – and the influence of nature and the countryside on his life and work. Images will of course include pieces from Cheltenham’s collection but also from public and private collections countrywide.
This talk, by Mary Greensted, is being given as part of Gimson 100, a year-long celebration of the work of one of the seminal figures of the Arts and Crafts Movement in Britain coinciding with the centenary of his death in August 1919. Other events include the publication by Yale University Press of Ernest Gimson: Arts & Crafts Movement Designer and Architect by Annette Carruthers, Mary Greensted and Barley Roscoe in October and an exhibition at The Wilson opening on 23rd November. .
Time: Coffee from 10:30. Speaker: 11:00-12:00. Cost: £10.
If you have any questions please phone Alison on 01242 519413.
Please book using one of the following options:
- On-line bookings with a debit or credit card, or Paypal account, can be made using the form below. Alternatively you may reserve your place, select the ‘off-line’ payment option and pay by bank transfer or cheque.
- Bank transfer – please email and wait for confirmation that places are available before arranging your bank transfer.
- Cheque – please complete a booking form (download here or available in the Friends’ newsletter) and post it with your cheque.
Places are not confirmed until payment is received.
Bank transfers should be made to 30-91-87 00005816. The reference must include your surname plus as much of the event title as will fit, for example SMITH T174.
Please make cheques payable to Friends of The Wilson and send with a SAE or clearly written email address to Mrs Alison Pascoe, 77 Naunton Lane, Cheltenham, GL53 7AZ.
This event is fully booked, but if you would like to be added to our waiting list please email