In our December group email, we pose the Art Quiz question:
One of the finest Arts and Crafts windows depicting the Nativity is the East window of St Mary’s Church, Prestbury:
Who was the Arts and Crafts artist who designed this window?
(a) Christopher Whall (b) Henry Payne
(c) Margaret Edith Rope (d) James Eadie Reid
Answer: (b) Henry Payne (1868-1940), one of the most distinguished Arts and Crafts artists; designer of the war memorial East window at St James’ Church, Chipping Campden. He was also responsible for the celebrated wall paintings in the Chapel of Madresfield Court, near Malvern, an arts and crafts shrine that will be familiar to many Friends. Payne’s self-portrait of himself as a rather self-conscious young man (c.1890) is in The Wilson’s collection, and can be seen here.