Talk: Aspects of Northern Renaissance Painting with Italian Modifications with Martin Bowden

Date(s) - 17th Oct 2022

St Philip & St James Church


A brief look at the development of painting in fifteenth-century Burgundy, including the Limbourg brothers, Robert Campin, Jan van Eyck and Petrus Christus, with references to more familiar Italian painting from the same period (Masaccio, Fra Angelico, etc.).

Martin Bowden read economics at university in the 1960s and after a short period in commerce taught and ran the economics department at a local public school. For more than two decades, he also taught and examined art history at A-Level – he says to do so was the joy of his teaching life. As Martin approached retirement, he began to paint primarily watercolours, which are sold through a local gallery. He has also been president of the Cotswold Art Club and is now an honorary member.


Picture: “February” by the Limbourg Brothers.

Cost per person: £10, to include tea/coffee

If you have any questions please phone Alison on 01242 519413.

Please book using one of the following options:

  • On-line bookings with a debit or credit card can be made using the form below. Alternatively you may reserve your place, select the ‘off-line’ payment option and pay by bank transfer or cheque.
  • Bank transfer – please email and wait for confirmation that places are available before arranging your bank transfer.
  • Cheque – please complete a booking form (download here ) and post it with your cheque.

Places are not confirmed until payment is received.

Bank transfers should be made to Friends of The Wilson (or as much of that as the bank will accept) Sort Code 30-91-87 Account 00005816. The reference must include your surname plus as much of the event title as will fit, for example SMITH Bowden.

Please make cheques payable to Friends of The Wilson and send with a SAE or clearly written email address to Mrs Alison Pascoe, 77 Naunton Lane, Cheltenham, GL53 7AZ.


Bookings are now closed for this event.